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Title: The Soothing Sounds of the Classical Guitar - Classical guitar music reminiscent of John Williams and Andres Segovia.

Artist: Robert Swinton

Description: Classical guitar music reminiscent of John Williams and Andres Segovia featuring the traditional Greensleeves, Malaguena for the Spanish guitar and a holiday piece by Johann Sebastian Bach.

Artist's Comments: I have always enjoyed the pleasant tones of the classical guitar. As a boy I would listen to recordings of Andres Segovia and was given the opportunity to hear him perform live. I then learned to play the instrument and over the years have used its music for my own personal relaxation. Now I would like to share this beautiful music with you.


Track 1: Greensleeves Anonymous (16th Century)

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Track 2: Eight Pieces by Dionisio Aguado
Selection 1

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Selection 2

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Selection 3

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Track 3: Sonatina by Ferdinand Carulli

Track 4: Minuetto by Matteo Carcassi

Track 5: Tempest by Ferdinand Carulli

Track 6: Maleguena by Ernesto Lecuona

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Track 7: Two Pieces by Matteo Carcassi
Etude in Am

Track 8: Three Pieces by Fernando Sor
Andante II

Track 9: Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring by Johann Sebastian Bach
Chorale from Cantata No. 147

Track 10: Four pieces by Ferdinand Carulli
Andante II



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