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If you have been contemplating taking guitar lessons but have the usual interference; finding a teacher who has a time slot that fits your schedule, not sure how to go about practicing, wondering what to do if you have to miss lessons, trying to teach yourself with YouTube videos only to find them too fast to follow. Someone mentioned virtual education to you but you are not sure where to look for it. Well here is your chance to test out Virtual Guitar Lessons at www.GtrTeacher.com . Here you can take your lessons at the time that is best for you, your lessons will be individually designed and sent to you. Your lesson videos will have all the information you need to accomplish the assignments with the advantage of looping and slow-mo to help you practice. Your teacher will keep personal track of your progress with our practice manager and the message feature along with video chat by appointment.
You can test out your Virtual Guitar Lessons at no cost for 1 month just to see how they work for you. Just contact us at GtrTeacher@RobertSwinton.com for a consultation and we will set you up to get started with your new guitar lessons.
Hope to hear from you,
Bob Swinton
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- Category: Landing Pages
The Best Beginner Blues Guitar Books/Instruction Guitar Lessons Online
Learn How To Master The Guitar
Learn Guitar DVD - Teach yourself to play guitar at home using self study learn to play guitar dvd's.
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Get a Guitar for the Holidays:
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Follow these links for great deals on guitars and accesories:
3/4 Size Classic Guitar |
Classical Guitar
Squier SA100 |
Quick Change Guitar Capo for Acoustic Electric Guitar |
Korg GA-40 Electronic Guitar and Bass Tuner |
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- Category: Landing Pages
“I like it, it's easy to use. The videos help me to practice the right way.”
-David Hill, former student, currently High School teacher
Video Library
Custom lessons will be sent directly to you from our videos library of easy to follow instruction videos. Along with additional multimedia learning tools; pdf files, audio files and you tube videos.
Looping and Slow-mo Functions
With each instruction video you will have the ability to loop sections of the video and/or slow the video down to help with your practicing of the particular skill you are working on.
Email and Text Notifications
You will receive individual lessons sent directly to you and be notified by email and text when they arrive. You will also receive daily practice reminders.
Direct Messaging and Video Conferencing
You will have direct access to your teacher through our messaging system for any questions you may have about your lesson. You will also have the ability to schedule one-on-one video conferencing with your teacher.
Printable Resources and Lesson Plans
With each lesson there are printable PDF files that provide the information you need to master your lesson. Just download and print the file. This information is compiled to help you understand and work with the lesson more comfortably. Remember to print your lesson plans, this is the best way to begin any lesson.
Go Back Format
At any time during a lesson or song you feel you would like to repeat or review part of a lesson or segment, you can go back or set up a loop to provides you with the ability to master each lesson before moving on. This simple format is designed to help you with the rule of learning an instrument: Practice Makes Perfect.